Different ending movie:
During the game play hold CTRL + ALT keys and type "bellybutton" as a code.
Infinite money:
During the game play hold CTRL + SHIFT keys and type "cheatercheaterpeter"
as a code.
All supplies and $1M money:
During the game play hold CTRL + SHIFT keys and type "cheater-cheaterwimp"
as a code to get 1 million dollars and all the supplies you can store.
Enable embezzlement mode:
Buy lots of real estate. Hold CTRL + SHIFT and type "petercheatercheaterwimp"
as a code. Note: this cheat only works 10 or 11 times before you are kicked
out of the game .
To disable the cheat counter, save your city, exit from the game, restart
the game, and load your city. Note: Not works in early versions of the game.
Play demo city:
Run the game, open the "System" menu, and choose the "Save" option.
Save the game, then exit from the game. Restart the game again and
load the saved game to control the demonstration city.
Tax cheat:
In the game the annual income tax rate is 50 percent, but property tax is a
mere 5 percent. So before assessment day (april 1), spend your cash and buy
buildings. Those cash outlays count as expenses against your income, letting
you report tax-free negative income even while generating revenue from the
Debug cheats:
Save your game and quit A-Train, then type:
DEBUG filename.a_t
E D78C
Run A-Train and load your city. Your cash has magically increased by
6 million! (Note: Replace "filename" with the name of your savegame)
If you want, you can automate the cheat. In your A-Train directory,
type: COPY CON $
E D78C
Then press Ctrl-Z. Next, type:
DEBUG %1.A_T<$
Then press Ctrl-Z. Now, to cheat, just type:
CHEAT filename
where "filename" is the name of your savegame.