Aces of the Deep cheats

Sound Up/Down = CTRL + ] or CTRL + [
Quit To DOS (Don't Confirm) = CTRL + ALT + DEL
Quit To DOS (Confirm First) = CTRL + Q/ALT + X
Pause = CTRL + P
Options Menu = CTRL + O
Music Up/Down = ALT + ] or ALT + [
Music On/Off = CTRL + M
Abort Mission = CRTL + D

Zoom Periscope Mag. = Z
View Right = Cursor Right
View Left = Cursor Left
Torpedo Camera = F10
Set View To Heading = V
Set Heading To View = H
Select/Deselect Target = SPACEBAR
Raise/Lower Scope (in chart) = ALT + P
Padlock View = ALT + F2
I.D. Target = I

Torpedoes = F6
Radio Room = F8
Periscope = F2
Damage Report = F7
Control Room = F1
Charts = F5
Captain's Log = F9
Bridge = F4
Binoculars = F3

Surface Boat = S
Straight and Level = Keypad 5
Right Rudder = Cursor Right
Periscope Depth = P
Left Rudder = Cursor Left
Engine Speed = 1...6
Dive Planes Up = Cursor Up
Dive Planes Down = Cursor Down
Crash Dive = C

Reset Time To 1/1= ENTER
Repeat Last Message = BACKSPACE
Man/Unman Deck Gun = D
Man/Unman AA Gun = A
Launch BOLD = CTRL + R
Increase Time Compression = +
Decrease Time Compression = -
Check Remaining Oxygen = O
Check Fuel Level = F
Check Battery Level = B

Open TDC = T
Fire Tube = CTRL + 1 ... CTRL + 6
Stopwatch = W

Reload torpedoes instantly:
In order for this to work you can't have "limited ammo." If you want to fire
a torpedo, first enter to the torpedo screen by using F6, then use the mouse
to click on the torpedo from the tube that you want to fire. The tube should
now just be an empty green box, exit that screen (without putting the torpedo
in another tube) go to the screen where you want to fire from, fire from the
tube that you earlier selected. After you fire, put that torpedo back, and
repeat the process.