Invincibile mode:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Locate the
"easy.var" file in the "\25 to life\data\var" directory. Open with
a text editor and find the "AI2PlayerDamage 0.14" line and change its
value from "0.14" to "0.00". Save the easy.var file, then run the game.
You will be invulnerable while playing on easy difficulty level.
Submitted by: SHUKR BOY
Alternate costumes:
Bank Robbing clothes - Get away with an escape car
Freeze's starting clothes - Get in your car
Shaun's Getaway Digs clothes - Trap Shaun in the subway
Unlock Kurupt - Kill Saragosa
Unlock Dazz - Beat Shaun
Unlock Tech H9ne - Beat Shaun
Unlock Rick Ta Life - Get to your car.
Unlock Officer Williams - Get the evidence to Mendoza's car.
Unlock DJ Envy - Reach the subway.
Unlock Beatdown bonus mission
Finish all the 12 missions and all objectives.
Non-tested codes:
Enter these cheats in the main menu:
Code - Effect
run - You can run fast
iamnotdead - God mode
guns - Cool weapons
fly - You can fly
cheater - Nobody can see you
Submitted by: luka