Get $1 million:
While playing the game type "goldfinger". You will hear a horn. Then,
type "givememoneyordie". You will hear another sound. Quit from the
race and you will get $1 million. The maximum amount of money is
$1 million.
Get more than $1 million:
First type "goldfinger" then type "givememoneyordie" codes. Then purchase
the most expensive SUV or truck that you can. Spend all of your money on
it for the most value. After that, go back to the game and type the
"goldfinger" and "givememoneyordie" cheat codes once again.
You will get the maxium amount of money, which is $1 million, but if sell
your pimped vehicle you can get over $1 million.
Unlock all missions:
During the race, type "goldfingermissionimpossible" as a code to access to
all missions.
Keep your truck and the money that you previously sold it for:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Sell a truck in
career mode, then quit the game. Locate the "metal.ini" file in the
"\4x4 evo2\system" directory. Open metal.ini with a text editor and find
the following lines:
Change those values from "0" to "1". Save the metal.ini file, then run the
game. Repeat the trick as many times you want.
Get more money in career mode:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Locate the "metal.ini"
file in the "\4x4 evo2\system" directory. Open metal.ini with a text editor
and find the following lines:
For $4,771,453 change it to:
or for $9,980,000 change it to:
Save the metal.ini and run the game.
Easy win:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Sell a truck in
career mode, then quit the game. Locate the "metal.ini" file in the
"\4x4 evo2\system" directory. Open metal.ini with a text editor and find
the following lines:
Then change its value to "0" to freeze all CPU controlled cars.
Change team association:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Sell a truck in
career mode, then quit the game. Locate the "metal.ini" file in the
"\4x4 evo2\system" directory. Open metal.ini with a text editor and find
the following lines:
Then replace that entry with any team name of your choice to access
their trucks.
Arctic Wasteland: Treasure chest:
North, reach water, east, turn north when the water ends, north,
reach american flag, go to building.
Arizona: Treasure chest:
Revers until pass the train tracks, right, reach derailed train, right,
reach canyon, reach two hills, go two houses.
Autumn Leaves: Treasure chest:
Follow the road, go behind the church.
Castle Rock: Treasure chest:
Go back 100 feet from starting point, reach the skeleton guard.
Costa Rica Rally: Treasure chest:
Go east, reach temple.
Crazy 2001: Treasure chest:
Go southwest corner of the lake
Egypt: Treasure chest:
Follow the road, reach first check point, drive northwest, reach a lake,
go nortwest, reach hill, go to the top.
Farm Road 109: Treasure chest:
Go to center of the lake.
Laguna del Sol: Treasure chest:
Reach Check point 3, go to large island straight ahead of the checkpoint.
Pikes Peak: Treasure chest:
Go to the furthest lake, go to land between the lakes.
Restricted Area: Treasure chest:
Go the UFO hanger, go to one of the corners.
Thailand Rally: Treasure chest:
Pause the game, jump to the contour map. Go to the bottom right corner of the
map and press R1 until the map stops. Just to the left of the island is a
brown spot. That brown spot is the Temple Of The Dancing Buddha.
Go to that temple.
Treasure Bay: Treasure chest:
Follow the road, reach a ship on the beach. Go to the side of
the ship where the sign is on the beach.
Tri Baja 250: Treasure Chest:
Follow the track in the same direction as if you were racing until
you reach the bridge. Go to underneath the bridge.