Activate cheat mode:
Enter "RASTA" to activate the cheat mode.
Virtual pilot mode:
Press ALT + F1.
Enter to padlock mode:
When you lock on a bandit hit J. Wherever the bandit
goes your view will track him.
Key - list:
[keypad minus] - decrease throttle
[keypad plus] - increase throttle
tab - fire rockets
T - increase time acceleration
space bar - fire guns
S - toggle guns
return - release ordinance
R - reduce time acceleration
Q - quit mission
M - Map Key
K - decrease front view
I - increase front view
H - extend/retract tailhook
G - extend/retract landing gear
F9 - detail menu
F7 - tower view
F6 - chase plane view
F5 - right rear view
F4 - left rear view
F3 - right view
F2 - left view
F10 - game configuration
F1 - front view
backspace - release secondary ordinance
B - engage/disengage wheel brakes
Alt + Q - return to dos
Alt + P - pause game
Alt + B - bail out
A - enable/disable autopilot
] - extend flaps
\ - rotate chase plane view
[ - retract flaps