Item list:
List of treasure hunt items, including the order to
find them, and the item location:
Items - Find order - Item Location
Item 1 - Tonic - Location: Water Library
Item 2 - Cock - Location: Dutton's room
Item 3 - Satyr - Location: Picture gallery
Item 4 - Globe - Location: Library
Item 5 - Tablet - Location: Lab
Item 6 - Redbreast(Robin) - Location: Foyer
Item 7 - Desk - Location: Library
Item 8 - Torso - Location: Picture gallery
Item 9 - Liquor - Location: Button's room
Item 10 - Irish setter - Location: Games room
Item 11 - Grandfather clock - Location: Foyer
Item 12 - Straight razor - Location: Bathroom
Item 13 - Orange - Location: Dining room
Item 14 - Nightmare - Location: Knox's room
Item 15 - Great dane - Location: Library
Item 16 - Televison - Location: Dutton's room
Item 17 - Organ - Location: Chapel
Item 18 - Ivory Tower(rook) - Location: Attic
Item 19 - Torch - Location: Chapel
Item 20 - Grater - Location: Kitchen
Item 21 - Disc - Location: Lab
Item 22 - Toothpaste - Location: Bathroom
Item 23 - Guillotine - Location: Temple's room
Item 24 - Gardenia - Location: 2nd floor hall
Item 25 - Rose - Location: Burden's room
Item 26 - Earring - Location: Heine's room
Item 27 - Harp - Location: Music room
Item 28 - Nutcracker - Location: Hallway
Item 29 - Eyeball - Location: Games room
Item 30 - Blade - Location: Temple's room
Item 31 - Locomotive - Location: Attic
Item 32 - Sheets - Location: Burden's room
Item 33 - Cleaver - Location: Kitchen
Item 34 - Lion - Location: Hallway
Item 35 - Port - Location: Knox's room
Item 36 - Rattle - Location: Nursery
Item 37 - XI (on clock) - Location: Foyer(on the clock)
Item 38 - Inkstand - Location: Library
Skip intro:
Press PP (P key two times) during the monitor adjustment screen
that displays a skull. Right-click at the title screen to
skip the intro.
Mocking cheaters:
Type "Zaphod Beeblebrox" (cheat codes from 7zh guest) and
Stuaf will mock you.
Completion bonus:
Finish the game once to unlock the "Open House" file. Load it to be
able to play any puzzle any of times.
Secret game:
In the bar ask the guy with the knife if you can try the game 50
times to play the hidden game.
Secret video:
Go to the television In Dutton's room at a point where you can see the
close-up view. Enter "Kellyn" to watch the hidden video.
Watch the entire video except the ending or to access any part of the house:
During the starting screen (the screen with the four skulls), enter
"Zaphod Beeblebrox", then type "Eleventh Hour". If you don't hear a
bell, try pressing F12 first, then retyping the above.
Advance in game:
Emter to the skull load-in screen. Input the following case-sensitive code,
with spaces as noted: Roberto Dan R Zaphod B [Space]
After you type Roberto, Stauf will say, " Duh.... that's not it Karl!".
Ignore him, heis trying to trick you. After the B, type [Space],
then any of the following letters to get to that point in the game:
A: End of disc 1.
S: End of disc 2.
D: End of disc 3.
F: End of disc 4.
E: The "Olive In Stein" riddle, good for using the Kellyn code.
G: The very end, at the "Let's Make A Real Deal" intermission sequence.
Kaleidoscope screensaver:
Begin the game and go anywhere in the mansion. Do not move and eventually
the colors on the screen at that time will blend together as a screensaver.
It is different from every viewpoint in the mansion.