4x4 Evolution cheats

Get $1 million:
While playing the game type "goldfinger" as a code. If the code is accepted,
you will hear a sound. Then, type "givememoneyordie" as a code. If the code
is accepted, you will hear a sound again. Quit from the race and you will
have $1 million. Re-entering the code will set your current amount to
$1 million.

Fly mode:
If you want to fly keep pressing H.

More money:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Locate the
"metal.ini" file in the installed game directory "system" subfolder.
Open the file with a text editor and find the following string:

"Cash=" line that is followed by a series of numbers and letters
(27 characters).

Type the following characters after insted of the original those
27 characters to get $1 million:


Save metal.ini file and run the game to have $1 million.

Get $999,999,999:
Type the following characters after "Cash="

Get $15 million:
Type the following characters after "Cash="

Get $32,000:
Complete the all city series

Get $1 million:
Complete the all endurance races

Hidden tracks

Drive over the hill in front of the 11th checkpoint.
On the other side is a small circle track.

Savage Wasteland:
After the starting of the race turn around and face the wall part of the
wall has a different look, and can be smashed through. Plow through it and
follow the power lines.

Hidden money on Farm Road level:
Go under the train trestle in the middle of the pond to find money.
Note: This works only one time.

Hidden money on the Restricted Area track:
Go straight when you pass through gate 5. After a little driving you will
reach an aircraft hanger with a jet inside. In the corner of the
hanger is a chest of cash.

Hidden money on the Laguna Del Ray track:
Off on the right is a small island just offshore. On top the island is a

Between gate 6 and 7 on the Black Gold track is a fenced-in area that
contains another chest. There is an oil truck nearby it.

Hidden money on the Treasure Bay track:
Go over to the beached tanker boat to the right, and drive around on the
water side. You can find a chest in the side hull.

Hidden money on the Truck Stop 101 track:
Go to the "hidden" highway and drive alongside the right side of the road.